Tag Archives: YouTube

Glove of Films

GoB 03

On one of the ‘other’ channels of my on-line time frittering I did this. Please feel free to follow The Glove of Bones if you don’t mind inviting this kind of occurrence into your digital file. If nothing else it uses a very nice theme.

Information in relation to work flow.

When I started planning the musical aspect of 50/50 it was under the A4+ brand, as per previous issues. The theme of biography was implicit, the format (five 10 minute songs, each broadly representing a decade of life) was built in, and other intentions of continuity (all the visual content would be monochrome for example) seemed reasonably attainable.

As with all such grand schemes it seemed likely that supplementary materials would emerge so the idea of an epilog sprang to mind (and in fact inspired the ‘segue’ pieces), cutting in existing references into a mash-up, sweeping the floor, exhibiting good recycling practices. At some indeterminate point the ‘Glove of Bones’ phrase gained traction and from that the idea of a filmed piece. This is the outcome.

GoB 02

“The tooth root and aching backbone of the Glove of Bones creative project was an idea for a road movie without a road, a biography without a chronology or subject and an imaginary soundtrack for a film, based around a real movie.”

Almost a film in five equal sections with both structured musical content and more abstract found, soundscapes, atmosphere. Holmes would have a field day with the evidence but like all good conspiracy pedlars, I prefer to protect my sources.

GoB 01

I would like particular to credit the use of the ‘Holcombe Tarot’ by Wayne Burrows. I’m continually impressed by his diversity of creation. The Tarot can be seen in use somewhere around the 25 minute mark.

There are a small number of filmic references which movie geeks will spot. They are cited as points of reference for the various immersions the biographical subject has encountered and soaked up. I do not and would never claim any rights to these reflections.

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With typically mis timed aplomb, on Tuesday I floated my latest musical endeavour. It’s called BLUE(Sound) and so like the previous release ‘No Direction’ places me firmly in the realm of the boy band. Apart from the music aspect…. and my age range, potential demographic, chance of ever selling a piece of product…. Still, at least I’m a real artist (insert smiley face).

I’ve written a fairly lenghty and representative description of the project here and have managed to get the artefact produced, so now I know it’s real. Not unlike Dinosaur Jr who recalled ‘The Farm’ when it came out for being mastered louder than it should be (endless question marks) I’m still trying to get a couple of the songs properly volumnised so they hurt as much as was intended..

The packaging and the blog post include some pictures that I’m quite pleased with. The whole thing hangs together quite well over all.

You can play all of the songs on the Band Camp player below. I definitely recommend cranking your volume up on the two tracks ‘Hallucinogenic Toreador Blues & Gib Hill Blues, especially the latter.

Buy a ticket, take the ride as a great man once said…

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Filed under Comment, Hipstamatic, iPhonography, Music, Nottingham, Photography

Embrace the Dice World


Over the last couple of years I have been very privileged to enjoy some exchanges and conversations with a truly unique and iconic writer. Dr Rhinehart has provide me with some gratefully received feedback and encouragement in my mainly well intentioned but disorganised creative output. As I’m not currently relying on my more obtuse tinkering for income I can be more random than some. And in many ways I don’t need a dice to decide which way I’m going dive because my attention is so divided and my memory so inconsistent that every waking moment brings it’s own surprise.

I have a number of notes and a schema that plan out a dice driven drawing system. I might use these to illustrate my next musical experiment. The ‘No Direction’ thing I recently made was a good example of random connection. It might not have the bravery of throwing a dice into an interpersonal relationship but with the freedom of no commercial market to rely upon one stepping stone often leads to opportunistically  chosen second stones.

I did recently promise Dr Luke a page link and I tried it but it looked wrong so until I sort it it out, this is where I’m at. In the process of trying to work the link thing out I did discovered the Diceworld documentary on YouTube which is linked in sequence below. If you aren’t aware of Dicelife or the Diceman, please have look. I read the book many years after it was published when I was at Art School. It wasn’t on the official reading list but together with listening to Captain Beefheart & watching Eraserhead it was in the loop.

I have no idea why I may have missed this previously. It’s a wonderful film, honest, insightful and humorous. Dr Luke….. thank you for your engagement. I really am very honoured.


Filed under Comment, Fine Art, Music, Uncategorized

The Press

The Press - MOBFormat

Apologies for my absence loyal bloggees. This come back however is short on words but long on content. My continuing ‘musical’ efforts are bearing some fruit and I’m getting lots of interesting comments.

“You are really on to something here, can’t wait to hear/see more”

Ambientist Mark Ward

“It’s great! I like challenging music”

Proper musician Chris Olley

“Stop calling this office or we will have to report you”

Mojo Magazine

The plaudits go on.

So, inspired by the excellent ‘The Press – MOBFormat’ photographic event at the Chocolate Factory in Derby, a project I’ve been able to contribute towards, and as a little honorific to Misho Baranovic (a native Australian recently subject to the harsh weather of Derby in March) this opus is for you.

Yes, it starts in an almost melodic and organised way, but it does fall apart after about 7 minutes. The images come from ‘The Press’ project. Themed images submitted through EyeEM, printed by Misho and installed by the audience in a growing and evolving piece of social art. It’s a wonderful thing and I look forward to seeing the closing days when the walls are fully populated.

The images in this video come from the current selection. Scanned through with iSuper8, and compilied in iMovie. The audio includes my first use of Audacity & PaulStretch to effect the loops. I’ve skipped Korg  on this one so the drum tracks are pure GarageBand, so much more ‘rock’. Other than the drums and piano, all noises are analog, voice (mine!) and guitar, all chopped, edited, stretched and squished.

I probably shouldn’t have listened to that last Scott Walker album. But, what the hey…..

So video via YouTube, audio via SoundCloud. Just remember, this is an opt in system.


Filed under Hipstamatic, iPhonography, Music, Photography, Video

UrgenCity (Urr-jahn-Sitt-ee)

20130215-185700.jpgSo, two weeks since my last update, barely taken any photos (cold & dull mainly, no interesting day trips) but I have made this little lump of fun. Inspired in no small part by Mark Ward & Chris Olley, and also as a result of listening to a lot of MBV, Primal Scream & Shellac, I’ve ended up with the this 4m26s ‘musical’ illustration and film.

Whilst I a share a love, nay obsession, with music with the above, sadly I don’t share their musical ability. I can just about play 5 chords on my guitar, two of which are made up and not great sounding.
However, aided by Amplitude & Korg on my iPad and Garage Band & iMovie on the computer almost anything is possible.

The underlying theme came from the Korg beat, this textured with effects and layered with Garage Band loops and a feed back track recorded through Amplitude effects pedals using my Tanglewood Bluesound.
The movie is a Hitchcock style single shot, a little over 25 minutes speeded up and squished down to fit the track length. This shot with Super8 on iPhone throughout a painfully long drive home in the snow on Wednesday night.

It took a little while to get YouTube to accept this HD file and whilst I could tweak it endlessly I’m going to set it free and move on with the next project, a slow Death Metal blues ballad with funky bass.
Long live the Punk Ethic! This is UrgenCity!!!

Here’s the second track from this little noise experiment. The full audio file streaming from Soundcloud. Play it loud.

UPDATE: Just worked out what the title is about. I had in mind a ‘period’ like Jurassic, Miocene etc, or something descriptive of a time just before an era that was about to arise. But, if you Google Ceene, other than various Italian names you find CEENE as an acronym for Cumulative Exergy Extracted from the Natural Environment.  I was going to change it, but now it’s glued in.

This is the full audio of UrgenCity. Clearer here without the video compression. As above, loud works best.


…and marching towards enough tracks for an EP, here is track 3. This included contributions from DBoy & BabyJ, both who helped record some guitar loops using DBoys mini strat. £20 well spent! This is IyeZ (from ‘eyes’ or maybe ‘I is’),video coming soon.

@f1fanwmm quite rightly pointed out the continuing theme of urban travel. It sounds like a journey through a busy city street, different music coming from diverse venues.

And as if from nowhere, here is the video for ‘Iyez’. Contributions from the looking orbs of my family.

UPDATED 03/03/13

This is ‘Full Bleed’ A short, sharp cut.

And as if by time slipped magic, here is the video. Pictures by DBoy6.03 and filmed with iMotionHD. Quietly pleased with this one.

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Filed under Music, Photography, Video